Saturday, July 14, 2007

A quick word about me

I am trying to use this blog to document my various carving. My focus is on art that can be used everyday. I started as a woodworker, but over the years I found carving and that is my primary focus. I like to vary my carving between walking sticks, spoons, and Netsuke. I am not a fan of power tools, and all of my carvings are hand made. I sell my spoons in a couple of art galleries around town.

I live in Nebraska, and when I am not carving I work as a IT Business analyst. I have a wife, and son, and a house. I am also a closet hippie, love to ride my bicycle to stick it to the man, and dream of living on an island someday carving spoons for tourist and slowing fading away... enjoy - rod

Here is an not so great shot of myself. Taken by myself.


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